viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

Essential Windows Apps (v0.3)

Entrada en construcción.

(P) Portable (G) GPL
(C) Commercial (S) Shareware

Mensajería instantánea (msn, jabber,etc): pidgin v.x (P)
miranda 0.x (P)
Navegador web: Firefox v.3.6 (P)
Cliente IRC: Xchat 1.8.10
Cliente FTP: Wsftp 95 V5.08 LE
Servidor TFTP: 3cdaemon v2.0 rev10
Control remoto: Ultravnc 1.01 (P)

Procesador de textos:
Visor excel: ¿Excel viewer 97
PDF: Foxit Reader v.x (P)

Monitor sistema:
Process explorer 11.02 (*)
Filemon 6.12
Regmon 6.12
Process Monitor 1.10 (*) (engloba a los anteriores)
(*) Escriben algo en reg. pero son portables
Multimonitor: MultiMon TaskBar (2.1-freeware) taskbar in the second monitor
Clipboard: Clipboard Recorder (S)
Compresores: 7zip v4.23 (P)
Inventario manual: Everest Ultimate Edition 3.50.761 (P)
Diccionario/traductor: IdiomaX (P) Oxford Dict(P)
Editores de texto: Notepad++ 3.8, Pspad 425 (selección en columna) (P)
Remote Administration
mRemoteNG (fork of mRemote support RDP, Citrix, VNC...)
Remote Desktop connection manager (free app from Ms. support RDP)

Reproductor MP3: Billy 104b (P) free as beer, probably the lightest mp3 player for win (<1mb br="" w98="">
Gimp (P)
Snagit v.x (P) (C). screenshot captor.
Screenshot captor. free or donation license
IrfanView. light image viewer with a screenshot captor.

(*95 works on w95)
(*98 works on w95)
(*7 works on w7)

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