viernes, 19 de abril de 2013

Clarity XOG - XML - WSDL -SOAP - Content package

XOG compatibility

Usually XOG version are compatible with Clarity version if there is not changes in the database structure. Differences in .xsd files could mean differences between data in Clarity.

Anyway default version association:
Clarity v.12.1 SP1
i.e. XOG

Clarity v.

Clarity v.13.1.00248
 for example  XOG V12.0.6.5471 could work with a Clarity v.13.0.1, but there is a risk...

Testing XOG from Clarity web


XML Open Gateway (XOG)
web service interface that you can use to:
  *Import data
  *Export data
  *Move configuration data from one system to another
to read data from or write data to CA Clarity using XML and web services
GEL tags that can be used with XML for more advanced custom integration tasks
CA Clarity web services use XML messages that follow the SOAP standard.

WSDL Reference

SOAP Testing - Queries\WSDL

 SOAP UI, free licence software, after downloading a Clarity  WSDL template, remove or comment all those conditions or filters that you are not using for your request.

SOAP Sonar.
SOAP Sonar
Commercial software and gratis only for a single project/query open. Very easy to work with filter parameters, because  only those parameters introduced in inputboxes will be used for the request.

Working\Saving XML Read Files
ANSI/CP1252, UTF8without BOM

Common filters:



Custom Objects
Reading Object definition

Reading contents/instances

Stock objects
Read reference.

Sort results

or when more there is more tahn one element


XOG-out /XOG-in

Between different environments (i.e Project)

  1. XOGout a project
  2. Edit XML to adapt to new enviroment 
    1. Replace Projectid by an id not in use, if attribute is autonumeric, use the next id
  3. Remove all unique tags in a Clarity instance (i.e internalTaskID)
    1. from notepad: find internalTaskID=".*?"
    2. Select "Regular expression"
    3. checkbox ".matches newline"
    4. Count (verify)
    5. Replace  (with nothing)
  4. (Some unique tags like taskID are unique  but the ambit is just the project  )
  5. Check 
    1. resources, if userid is autonumeric could be different between the environments
  6. XOG-in to new environment
Between different environments (i.e User/resources)
  1. XOGOut resources (rsm_resources)
    1. filter by resourceID supports wildcard %
  2. XOGOut Users/accounts (cmn_users)   
    1. filter by userName doesn't supports wildcards, so use criteria="OR" and values separated by comma (without spaces)      
    2. Password not extracted, default password=Niku2000
  3. Edit XML files
  4. --Users: add properties for delete to XML tags
    1. Note: complete and completed/Iscomplete are synonyms      
    2. i.e. complete="true" for (capscase, don't use Uppercase)
    3. supported by: OBSAssocs, Groups, GlobalRights, InstanceRights, InstanceOBSRights, SkillAssocs
    4. i.e. ReplaceAll "Groups" by "Groups complete="true""
  5. --Resources
    1. complete="true" for (optional)
    2. resetCalendar="true" to
    3. (*)additional fields cannot  be reset from XOG such as Booking Manager,Date of Termination, Allocations,....
  6.     XOGIn     
    1. Reset by hand all those attributes which could not be reset by XOG
  Content packages/Export
  •  Add process (must be Active)

 Import/Install Add-in/Upload Content Package 
  • Install in Migration Mode. This option forces all content items in the package to install and overwrite old existing content. 
  • A package with same version cannot be uploaded twice
  • Add-in packages cannot be deleted

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